City Tech Writer Reception
By Invitation only.
By Invitation only.
Faculty submit your students' best writing to the City Tech Writer What is City Tech Writer? City Tech Writer is an interdisciplinary journal of undergraduate writing focused on publishing excellent student writing from across the disciplines. Would CTW be interested in my students' writing? Yes! We publish lab reports, research papers, essays, interview transcripts, and
Organizers: Professor Suzanne Miller Professor Megan Behrent By invitation only.
Submit your student's best writing to City Tech Writer Volume 14!
A Reading and Discussion with Award-Winning Poet Willie Perdomo Willie Perdomo is the author of The Essential Hits of Shorty Bon Bon, a nominee for the National Book Award, Where a Nickel Costs a Dime, a finalist for the Poetry Society of America Norma Farber First Book Award, and Smoking Lovely, a winner of the