Travel Funds

2023-2024 Academic Affairs Professional Travel Information

PSC CUNY professional travel funds for full-time faculty and HEOs are administered by the Deans’ and Provost’s Office. 2023-2024 funding allocations follow:

Area2023-2024 Allocation
School of Arts & Sciences – Dean’s Office$22,673
School of Professional Studies – Dean’s Office$17,158
School of Tech & Design – Dean’s Office$15,933
Academic Affairs (HEOs & Librarians) – Provost’s Office$5,515

CUNY faculty travel grants, and other grant funding, should be pursued. Additional information can be found on the CUNY Faculty Affairs website > Faculty Resources page, including travel, professional development, and research funding opportunities for adjunct, lecturer, and tenure-track faculty. Travel funds can also be requested in PSC CUNY grants.

Please make sure that all presentations supported by professional travel are included in your Faculty Scholarship Report submission. Evidence of the benefits of faculty professional travel helps to assure future funding.

Prior to travel

Please complete the Professional Travel Request Form which follows. All professional travel, whether funded or not, must have the prior approval of your chair/supervisor.

If you decide not to travel

Email your school’s email address, subject: CANCEL so that the funds can be reallocated to other faculty members.

N.B.  Please do not use the Travel Authorization module in CUNYfirst. If for some reason you created a Travel Authorization and you do not travel, you MUST cancel it.  The authorization holds funding in advance of the expense report, so if you don’t cancel it, available funds are withheld from future use. 

Application, request, and reimbursement processes differ depending on the source of funding. Most funding falls under one of the following categories:

Dean’s Office Travel Funds

Tax levy funds managed in CUNYfirst

Your Dean’s Office generally has some limited funds to disburse for professional travel. Reimbursements for travel funded through the Dean’s Office are tax levy funds and processed through CUNYfirst. A module for reimbursement for travel is included in CUNYfirst but is only added to your roles upon request. If you do not have access to the Financial Supply Chain / Travel and Expense module please complete a CUNYfirst Travel and Expenses User Access Request Form. Complete the employee information, sign, and send the entire form to Namm 320,

Reimbursement Process

If you received funding through the Dean’s Office, apply for reimbursement in CUNYfirst following the instructions, Create an Expense Report. Attach receipts for expenses not covered by other sources and documentation to verify the dates and location of the conference/workshop. It is suggested that you arrange any paper receipts on 8″ × 11″ paper and scan before attaching to the Expense Report.

PSC-CUNY & external grant-funded travel

Disbursed through the CUNY Research Foundation systems at

Travel Funds Documents

Updated as of 08/11/2022

CUNY Policy & Guidelines