RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Grants

Overview: The NEA was established by Congress in 1965 and it’s an independent federal agency that is the largest funder of the arts and arts education in communities nationwide, and a catalyst of public and private support for the arts. By advancing equitable opportunities for arts participation and practice, the NEA fosters and sustains an

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: Pivot-RP Training for CUNY Grant Seekers

Overview: Pivot-RP is an online tool that helps users connect with global and local research opportunities. This webinar is suitable for those seeking a Pivot-RP refresher and/or new faculty interested in learning about Pivot- RP. Access, Researcher Profiles, and Funding Database Navigation will be reviewed. Audience: All CUNY FacultyPresenter: Andrew Bell, Pivot-RP Customer Success ManagerAgenda,

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: NSF Grant Programs for CUNY Postdoctoral Researchers

Overview: NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships are designed to provide opportunities for recent doctoral graduates and postdoctoral researchers to gain research experience under the sponsorship of established scientists, to broaden their scientific horizons beyond their undergraduate and graduate training, and to engage in research activities at an significant time and level of their professional development. NSF offers

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: GrantForward Training for CUNY Grants Officers and other Designated Administrators

Overview: GrantForward is not only a funding discovery but also a grant dissemination service for CUNY grants officers and other designated administrators. The webinar will focus on administrative functions and privileges to leverage the funding opportunities on your individual campuses. Learn how to manage users, generate usage reports, deliver funding opportunities via curated searches/grant lists,

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: Pivot-RP Training for CUNY Grants Officers and other Designated Administrators

Overview: Pivot-RP is an online tool that helps users connect with global and local research opportunities. As Designated Administrators on your campus, not only do you have access to basic features, but also to specific administrative functions and privileges as well. Learn how to utilize these additional features to leverage the funding opportunities on your

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: Writing Competitive Grant Applications Focusing on Project Summaries and Descriptions

Overview: Project summaries and descriptions are important sections in grant proposals that need to be carefully presented with a focus on the needs of the Principal Investigator project and the sponsor program goals. While preparing the document, emphasis should be given to the quality of information and how the information is organized, structured, and presented.

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: NSF Grants for CUNY Graduate Students

Overview: From research experiences across the world to internships at its headquarters, the U.S. National Science Foundation offers graduate students and recent doctoral degree recipients paid opportunities to expand their skills and knowledge in science and engineering. Prospective applicants must be pursuing or have pursued graduate study in a research-based program in STEM or STEM

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: NSF Grants for CUNY Early Career Researchers

Overview: Researchers who are beginning their careers have not developed the body of research that mid- career or senior faculty have accumulated over time and are at a disadvantage when competing for NSF research grants. NSF has set aside funding to early-career researchers working across a wide range of research areas where early career researchers

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: NSF Undergraduate Research Programs for CUNY Faculty

Overview: The NSF Directorate for STEM Education supports programs at all educational levels and in a variety of settings. The directorate funds innovative research and evaluation projects across all STEM disciplines and STEM projects — through scholarships, fellowships, centers, alliances, networks, curriculum development and institutional capacity building. It invests in activities aimed to improve knowledge

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: Federal Grants for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs)

Overview: Most CUNY colleges are designated as Hispanic Serving Institutions. HSIs play a vital role in our nation’s higher education framework. For more than a century, the diversity of Hispanic and Latino students makes our classrooms across the country rich learning and research environments. For many Hispanic and Latino students, HSIs provide critical pathways to