iTEC: MS Office Excel 2013 (Customized for eFolders)


This is not an eFolders workshop. However, this workshop will cover how to use Microsoft Excel 2013 for eFolders, as well as for grading, formulas, logical tests, and other topics. Some basics of Excel will also be reviewed, such as printing to fit on one page. To register, email:

Blackboard Fundamentals


Bring your syllabus and course materials to prepare your actual course on Blackboard for Web-enhanced instruction. All faculty must have a CUNY portal ID before attending this workshop. You should also check to make sure your course is listed on Blackboard. To register email:

iTEC: ePortfolios


A faculty workshop introducing the ePortfolio project on OpenLab's Wordpress software. Discover a simple, effective way to bring ePortfolios into your classroom to support your students' academic progress. To register, email:

iTEC: Prezi for Online Presentations


Learn how to use Prezi, an online presentation tool. Zoom in and out of your online images, videos, and text to present conceptual material.  To register, email:

iTEC: Blogs & Wikis


Learn how to create group Web sites and blogs or private journal assignments for students using Blog or Wiki tools. To register, email:

iTEC: Websupport1


Websupport1 is the faculty Web server for educational and class materials that you wish to share with your students. Learn how to create basic Web page(s) and your own site, as well as how to upload files to the server. To register, email:

iTEC: Basic MS Office Word 2013


This workshop will cover the basic fundamentals of Microsoft Word 2013. To register, email: