The Physics Department presents An information theoretic approach to quantify complexity of nanoscale systems by Dr. Ilya Grigorenko


Abstract: In this study the entropy density and mutual information measures were used to identify the optimal interaction parameters between nanoparticles, which lead to the maximum geometric complexity of self-assembled nanostructures. A generalization of complexity measures at a finite temperature and for nonequilibrium systems is also presented. The developed theory can be used for efficient in

Physics Seminar: Prof. William Wootters:
Why does nature like the square root of negative one?


Place: Namm 823 Date: Thursday, March 31 2016 Time: 12:00 PM   Presented by Prof. William Wootters Faculty and students are welcome.   Abstract: Quantum mechanics is a probabilistic theory, but the way we compute probabilities in quantum mechanics is quite different from what one would expect from, say, rolling dice or tossing coins.  To get a quantum probability,

Physics Seminar: Negative refractive index for graphene and surface Plasmon instability for hybrid structures


Presented by: Distinguished Professor Godfrey Gumbs Femtosecond and subfemtosecond time scales typically rule electron dynamics at metal surfaces. Recent advances in experimental techniques allow the experimental study of such dynamics. In this talk, we shall analyze electron dynamics at surfaces and nanostructures with emphasis on screening times, spin dependence of charge transfer of adsorbates and

Physics Seminar: Spin Superfluidity in the nu=0 Quantum Hall State of Graphene


Dr. So Takei Queens College of CUNY The ground state of neutral monolayer graphene in a strong perpendicular magnetic field is believed to be the so-called canted antiferromagnetic nu=0 quantum Hall state. This state is an insulator for charge transport, but it should behave like a superfluid for transport of the spin component parallel to the

Physics Seminar: Black phosphorus and phosphorene: from 3D to 2D and back


Presented by Dr. Scott C. Warren of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Abstract: Phosphorene, a two-dimensional (2D) form of elemental phosphorus, has attracted considerable interest in recent years.  This interest is due, in large part, to predictions and observations of high mobility (several thousand cm2/Vs), a highly tunable band gap, anisotropic optoelectronic properties, and strong

Classical vs. Quantum Probability / Classical vs. Quantum Realism


Presented by: Dr. David Kagan from University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, MA, USA Abstract: Quantum theory is the most successful physical framework ever conceived. Its predictions' precision is unparalleled, and it has passed every experimental test. Nevertheless, since its inception, the picture of the world painted by quantum theory is a murky one. Many practicing physicists try to avoid

Scholar on Campus: Geophysics Lecture


The Geophysical, Anthropogenic, & Social Dimensions of Coastal Risk: Assessment of Change in Populated River Deltas

Physics Seminar: 2D materials in the ultraclean limit: basic science and applications


NEW YORK CITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Physics Department Center for Theoretical Physics 2D materials in the ultraclean limit: basic science and applications Presented by: Prof. James Hone Columbia University New York, NY, USA Thursday, March 02 at 1:00 PM Namm, Room 823 Abstract Two-dimensional materials offer a wide range of outstanding properties but are highly

Physics Seminar: Entangled States and Quantum Weirdness


Entangled states of many particles, which are states that cannot be factored into a product of states of individual particles, have been with us since the introduction of quantum mechanics, but were first explicitly singled out by Schroedinger in a discussion of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox, to discuss the extremely un-classical nature of these states

Physics Seminar presents
Gravitational Wave Observations and the Physics of Neutron Stars


Guest Speaker: Simone Dall’Osso of SUNY Stony Brook The first direct detection of gravitational waves (GW) from a binary black hole made by Advanced LIGO has opened the era of GW astronomy. Sources for the current detectors are catastrophic events involving neutron stars (NS) and black holes (BH), isolated or in binaries, in which huge