Department of Social Science Colloquium Presents No Pressure, But Could We Have Your Organs?


A lecture by Cansu Canca, Ph.D. The current system of organ donation fails to meet the needs of parents waiting for a transplant. Two policies have the potential to overcome this problem and save lives: a market in organs and the mandatory procurement of organs. However, both policies face criticisms for violating individual autonomy. When a

Financing Economic Development: The Role of External Debt in Emerging Economies


City Tech’s Dr. Unurjargal Nyambuu, Assistant Professor of Economics, will present her talk titled “Financing Economic Development: The Role of External Debt in Emerging Economies” as part of the Department of Social Science Colloquium on May 18, from 1-2 p.m. in Namm 601A. Light refreshments will be served. Dr. Nyambuu’s research assesses different external financing

Social Science Colloquium

This presentation analyzes a nineteenth-century image of a white man shooting black civil rights activist Octavius Catto, and discusses the complications related to researching and writing about black people in US history. Geoff Zylstra is a historian of technology who focuses on the industrialization of the built environment in the nineteenth century. His research includes