MS Office Excel 2016 Basic


This workshop will cover the basic fundamentals of Microsoft Excel 2016. To register email:

Emerging Scholars Program Application – Part II – Spring 2019

The Emerging Scholars Program provides a $500 stipend for full-time students (enrolled for 12 or more credits) and a $250 stipend for part-time students (enrolled in 11 or fewer credits) for conducting research with a faculty member. The purpose of the program is to provide students with an opportunity to apply what was learned in

Open Textbook Network Workshop


Faculty are invited to attend a workshop about the Open Textbook Library, "a catalog of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks" developed at the University of Minnesota. Other topics will include: an introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER), and how to find openly-licensed resources in your field. Participants are encouraged to bring questions, and no level

Turnitin for OpenLab and other online platforms


Turnitin is an online tool to check plagiarism against a paper's originality. It checks a paper against many sources, including online journals, newspapers, and even previously submitted student papers. In addition to checking for plagiarism, the tool can be used to help improve student writing. Turnitin can be used within Blackboard or on its own



A faculty workshop introducing the ePortfolio project on OpenLab's WordPress software. Discover a simple, effective way to bring ePortfolios into your classroom to support your students' academic growth. To register email:

Grade Center


This workshop will cover how to create tests and set up Blackboard's grade center for quizzes and assignments. To register email:

Curating Student Work in ePortfolios


Learn more about incorporating ePortfolios into coursework to facilitate student reflection on and curation of their academic work. RSVP     Spring 2019 Office Hours Meet with a member of the OpenLab Community Team for face-to- face support. Mondays 2:00-4:00pm: 2/4, 3/4, 4/1, 5/6 Tuesdays 12:00-2:00pm: 2/19, 3/12, 4/16, 5/14 Fridays 1:00-3:00: 2/1, 3/22,

Introduction to Jing


Jing is a basic, free version of Camtasia Studio that allows you to capture video, animation, and images from your computer screen, which you can share on the Web. It works for Macs and PCs. To register email: