The Physics Department presents An information theoretic approach to quantify complexity of nanoscale systems by Dr. Ilya Grigorenko


Abstract: In this study the entropy density and mutual information measures were used to identify the optimal interaction parameters between nanoparticles, which lead to the maximum geometric complexity of self-assembled nanostructures. A generalization of complexity measures at a finite temperature and for nonequilibrium systems is also presented. The developed theory can be used for efficient in

OSP: Open Hour Pivot Introduction


Introduction to PIVOT: A dynamic funding search engine The Office of Sponsored Programs will be hosting several open hour sessions about COS PIVOT, a comprehensive source of funding opportunities that allow you to track and receive alerts about funding related to your research interests. Mondays 2:00 – 3:00 PM In the Faculty Commons Conference Room

iTEC: Grade Center


This workshop will cover how to create tests and set up Blackboard’s grade center for quizzes and assignments. To register, email: