15th Annual City Tech Poster Session

Atrium Ground & First Floors

The Fifteenth Annual Poster Session will be held on Thursday, November 30, 2016, from 12:30 to 4 pm. This event will showcase the results of the research of our faculty and students and will be open to the public. As part of the Poster Session, each Department will also exhibit recent publications (2015-2017 only) of

City Tech Continuing Studies Center Renewable Energy Workshop SOLAR PV + STORAGE + MICROGRID


Solar PV Energy + Battery Storage stockpiles sunlight and delivers it on-demand to the building where it will be used, improving power quality and reliability and reducing the City’s carbon footprint. At this evening session, meet the people who are making battery storage work in housing, government buildings, hospitals, and more. Learn about new battery

Extrapolation, Interdisciplinarity, and Learning: The Second Annual City Tech Symposium on Science Fiction


View the program: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/sciencefictionatcitytech/.   Knowledge is indivisible. When people grow wise in one direction, they are sure to make it easier for themselves to grow wise in other directions as well. On the other hand, when they split up knowledge, concentrate on their own field, and scorn and ignore other fields, they grow less

CST Colloquium: Energy Management as a Service (EMaaS): Design, Analysis, and Realization


Speaker: Yu-Wen Chen, Ph.D., CST Abstract: Dr. Chen presents an introduction to smart grid and cloud computing as the foundation for the design of customer-oriented energy-efficient systems (EmaaS). These systems provide financial incentives to customers thus enhancing the renewable energy sources(solar, wind, electrical) integration with the smart grid community.

The OpenLab Open Hour


Ready to get hands-on experience on the OpenLab with face-to-face help available for support? Bring your ideas and questions, and join the OpenLab team for our Open Hour, a great opportunity to find out more about getting started with the OpenLab, but also a perfect time to ask your more advanced questions about using the