Teaching Portfolio 3-Day Workshop

N-227 Conference Room

The Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC) will sponsor a three-day hands-on workshop for full-time faculty who will have the opportunity to work with Professor Janet Liou-Mark to create their Teaching Portfolios. City Tech’s Teaching Portfolio Workshop- based on the Peter Seldin model- is a dynamic, personal and goal-setting opportunity to challenge assumptions, provide a framework for reflection, and offer guidance about the process of teaching and learning in a collegial setting.

Teaching Portfolio 3-Day Workshop

N-227 Conference Room

The Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC) will sponsor a three-day hands-on workshop for full-time faculty who will have the opportunity to work with Professor Janet Liou-Mark to create their Teaching Portfolios. City Tech’s Teaching Portfolio Workshop- based on the Peter Seldin model- is a dynamic, personal and goal-setting opportunity to challenge assumptions, provide a framework for reflection, and offer guidance about the process of teaching and learning in a collegial setting.

Teaching Portfolio 3-Day Workshop

N-227 Conference Room

The Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC) will sponsor a three-day hands-on workshop for full-time faculty who will have the opportunity to work with Professor Janet Liou-Mark to create their Teaching Portfolios. City Tech’s Teaching Portfolio Workshop- based on the Peter Seldin model- is a dynamic, personal and goal-setting opportunity to challenge assumptions, provide a framework for reflection, and offer guidance about the process of teaching and learning in a collegial setting.

PDAC Fall 2019 Teaching Recognition Award

PDAC Fall 2019 Teaching Recognition Award The 2019-2020 Teaching Recognition Award honors a faculty member with long-term dedication to actualizing City Tech’s mission as an institution “committed to high quality technological and professional education.” The Teaching Recognition Award is a year-long honor administered through the Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC), which has recognized and supported

2022 – 2023 Scholar on Campus Program

The 2022 – 2023 Scholar on Campus award will be made to a member of the faculty who has demonstrated extraordinary scholarship and creative work that has had an important impact at City Tech and in the larger community. Successful candidates must display substantial evidence of scholarly excellence, which may be demonstrated by publications, performances,

Teaching Portfolio Workshop 2023

The Teaching Portfolio is a valuable tool that asks us to look more closely at what we do in the classroom. Often referred to as a “Reflective” Teaching Portfolio, we view this document not only as a means to record our teaching experience, but as a way to reflect on what makes each of us

Teaching Portfolio Workshop 2023

The Teaching Portfolio is a valuable tool that asks us to look more closely at what we do in the classroom. Often referred to as a “Reflective” Teaching Portfolio, we view this document not only as a means to record our teaching experience, but as a way to reflect on what makes each of us

Teaching Portfolio Workshop 2023

The Teaching Portfolio is a valuable tool that asks us to look more closely at what we do in the classroom. Often referred to as a “Reflective” Teaching Portfolio, we view this document not only as a means to record our teaching experience, but as a way to reflect on what makes each of us

Teaching Portfolio Workshop: Teaching Philosophy & Teaching Methodology

The Teaching Portfolio is a reflective opportunity for faculty to organize, question and challenge themselves as educators. This self-reflection helps to articulate teaching philosophies, identify ways to improve teaching methodologies, and maintain balance and synergy between teaching, scholarship and service. Each workshop session will introduce specific sections of the Portfolio and then set aside time