Works in the Works: A Talk by Annette Saddik

Clowning Around?: Reimagining Political Transformation in Late-Twentieth-Century Grotesque Theatre In this presentation, I discuss my most recent book project, which focuses on the figure of the clown in late twentieth-century theatre. During the latter half of the twentieth century, particularly from the 1960s to the 1990s during a period of political change in a world

Avoiding Plagiarism: A Workshop for Students

Plagiarism can be less obvious than you think, especially in an online environment. This workshop will give you practical information and strategies to ensure your writing assignments are plagiarism-free. Students register in advance for this workshop: After registering, a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting will be sent. Message for Faculty Regarding

Opening Gateways: Open Digital Pedagogies for Student Success in STEM

Over the past six years, City Tech and BMCC have joined in a cross-campus collaboration to improve STEM student success in critical mathematics courses. All too often these “gateway” courses function not as gateways but as barriers to progress and completion in STEM disciplines. With funding from the U.S. Department of Education’s Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Immersive instructional design workshop

Ten City Tech faculty will be selected to participate in a paid, virtual January immersive instructional design workshop in which they will learn about information literacy, reflect on discipline specific research practices and  Information Literacy (IL) skills, and be introduced to accessible Instructional Design (ID) principles. Participants will complete readings and participate in discussions (both

Faculty Friday: City Tech Teaching Showcase

Colleagues will share their favorite teaching strategies and successes. Be inspired for the spring semester! Questions: Watch recording of event:

Supporting Women (Cis and Trans)/Nonbinary/Agender Faculty at City Tech

Please note revised description of this event (if you have already RSVPed there is no need to RSVP again, thanks). A conversation to identify the challenges faced by women (cis and trans), nonbinary, and agender faculty at City Tech and explore ways for better support The COACHE faculty survey report enables us to examine differences

ORCID ID: Author Identifier for Grants, Publication, and Reviewing

ORCID IDs are author identifiers. They are especially helpful to authors with names that are more common but they have other benefits including speedier registration in systems for submitting articles, reviewing, and grant applications. Grantees who use their ORCID when applying for a grant help to assure that funders connect your funding program to your

Zotero Basics

Attendees will learn the capabilities of this powerful, free open-source reference management software program. The session covers the functionalities of the Zotero client, adding the Zotero plugin to your browser, and importing citations to generate a bibliography. To maximize our workshop time, please download Zotero from and create your username and password in the

CUNY Women in STEM: Building our Network

Join us for a professional development and networking event open to all CUNY graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty interested in furthering their STEM academic research careers! Patrizia Casaccia, M.D., Ph.D., Einstein Professor and Initiative Director, Advanced Science Research Center, The Graduate Center Saavik Ford, Ph.D., Professor, Borough of Manhattan Community CollegeNina Gray, Ph.D., Executive Director