Turning Your Exercises into Games:A Mid-Semester Workshop with What’s Your Game Plan?

CUNY Graduate Center 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Games and simulations are powerful tools for learning. In this boot camp brainstorm, BMCC’s Prof. Joe Bisz (English) and Prof. Kathleen Offenholley (Mathematics) break up professors and graduate students into design teams whose job is to enhance an exercise with the mechanics of popular board games. This workshop provides a fun introduction to the engagement

Blackboard Fundamentals


This workshop will cover the basic features of Blackboard, as well as some new Blackboard tools. To register email itec@citytech.cuny.edu



A faculty workshop introducing the ePortfolio project on OpenLab's Wordpress software. Discover a simple, effective way to bring ePortfolios into your classroom to support your students' academic growth. To register email itec@citytech.cuny.edu

CUNY Academic Works Posting Parties


Learn how CUNY’s institutional repository can help maximize your research impact. We will demonstrate how to post your scholarly work to Academic Works and talk more about your rights as an author. Bring your files, including conference presentations, and we’ll guide you through the process of posting your work. The final, peer-reviewed version of an

Physics Seminar: Entangled States and Quantum Weirdness


Entangled states of many particles, which are states that cannot be factored into a product of states of individual particles, have been with us since the introduction of quantum mechanics, but were first explicitly singled out by Schroedinger in a discussion of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox, to discuss the extremely un-classical nature of these states