OpenLab: Getting Started on the OpenLab


Find out how to collaborate with your students and colleagues on the OpenLab in these introductory sessions. You will need access to your City Tech email account. Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty and staff. Part-time faculty are eligible to receive a small stipend. Please RSVP:

CUNY’s 13th Annual IT Conference

Change is the new constant, but some (big) changes are more like shifts: shifts in practice and perspective; generational shifts; shifts in procedure and position; even tectonic shifts. The City University of New York’s 13th annual IT Conference will sum up some shifts our many changes add up to. What shifts are taking place in

iTEC: Websupport1


This workshop will cover how to create basic Web pages and a site for you to use academically. It will also cover how to upload files to the server. To register please email

Humanities Seminar: Works in the Works – “Transnationalism, In-Betweenness and Chinese Artists in New York”


A Talk by Zhijian Qian Focusing on recent works by Chinese-American artists in New York City, this talk examines how a particular community of immigrant artists deal with such issues as cultural identity and boundaries, in-betweenness and hybridity in a transnational and multicultural environment. 1:00pm, Tuesday December 9, 2014, in A631. Faculty and students are

WAC: The Creative Classroom


December 9, 2014 1-2:15pm Room N1105 Light refreshments will be served! RSVP: For more information: Click to view poster.

Blackboard Upgrade


This workshop will cover the new features in Blackboard, including Student Preview, the Content Management System, and the integration of SafeAssignments. Introductory Blackboard assistance will also be provided to any new instructors. To register, please email