Faculty Friday: ePARSE Workshop: What to include & Where

Professor Paul King presented this information-packed April 9th session included an overview of the reappointment, tenure, and promotion process and much detailed guidance on creating a clear, organized, and effective PARSE.Presentation slides and Q&A from the edited chat:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cke480i3hh7o1c1/AADLVLp6lEzUV2E9vFi1kKdFa?dl=0 View recording: For questions please contact Shelley Smith: ssmith@citytech.cuny.edu

WAC: Minimal Marking and Effective Grading

This workshop offers strategies for minimizing time spent on grading while maximizing the effectiveness of written comments. Contact Program Directors:Prof. Samar ElHitt selhitti@citytech.cuny.edu or Prof. Nina Bannett nbannett@citytech.cuny.eduWAC OpenLab site and email wac@citytech.cuny.edu

Creating & Customizing O.E.R.

Learn more about O.E.R. at one of our workshops this Spring! How can free / open educational resources (O.E.R.) enhance your teaching and increase student access to course materials?

Creating & Customizing O.E.R.

Learn more about O.E.R. at one of our workshops this Spring! How can free / open educational resources (O.E.R.) enhance your teaching and increase student access to course materials?

CUNY Latin American/Latinx Studies Symposium

SAVE THE DATE KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Alejandro de la Fuente, Harvard University SPECIAL GUEST:José Luis Cruz, Executive Vice Chancellor and University Provost, CUNY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! – We are celebrating new beginnings with a virtual symposium on the present and future of Latin American/Latinx studies at LaGuardia Community College, CUNY and beyond.The symposium, co-sponsored

City Tech Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP): Introduction and Discussion

More than ever, external funding can support your scholarship and teaching. The Office of Sponsored Programs is here to help! Come learn about available resources and processes – from assistance identifying appropriate funding sources, to proposal development, facilitating project start-up, and ongoing management. Time will be set aside for working directly with faculty. Watch the

Zotero Basics

Attendees will learn the capabilities of this powerful, free open-source reference management software program. The session covers the functionalities of the Zotero client, adding the Zotero plugin to your browser, and importing citations to generate a bibliography. To maximize our workshop time, please download Zotero from https://www.zotero.org and create your username and password in the