iTEC: ePortfolios


A faculty workshop introducing the ePortfolio project on OpenLab's Wordpress software. Discover a simple, effective way to bring ePortfolios into your classroom to support your students' academic growth. To register, email

Physics Seminar: Anderson Localization and Ray Modes


Place: Namm 823 April 08 at 11:00 am Presented by Prof. Klaus Ziegler Faculty and students are welcome. Abstract: Quantum transport is studied for two-dimensional Dirac particles, three-dimensional Weyl particles and a tight-binding system with a degenerate bandstructure in the presence of strong random scattering. In contrast to more conventional systems, there is no complete

Blackboard Grade Center


This workshop will cover how to create tests and set up Blackboard’s grade center for quizzes and assignments. To register email

iTEC: Instructional Videos Made Simple


Shoot an instructional video for your class on something as simple as your smart phone, use a few very basic video editing options, including creating a caption and title, then upload the video to YouTube, iTunes U or Blackboard.

iTEC: Websupport1


Websupport1 covers how to create basic Web page(s) and your own site. It will also cover how to upload files to the server. To register, email

Linguistic Roundtable

Venue: N-517 Wednesday, April 15, 2015 1:00 pm – 2:15 p.m. Invited Speaker: Ms. Kruti Suba All Faculty and Students Invited! RSVP: