The OpenLab Open Hour


Ready to get hands-on experience on the OpenLab with face-to-face help available for support? Bring your ideas and questions, and join the OpenLab team for our Open Hour, a great opportunity to find out more about getting started with the OpenLab, but also a perfect time to ask your more advanced questions about using the

CUE Conference 2017: Accelerating Progress, Accelerating Equity: Improving Student Success in Developmental and Gateway Courses

Sold Out

The CUNY CUE Conference 2017 will be held on May 5, 2017 at Borough of Manhattan Community College located at 199 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007. The Conference is focused on Accelerating Progress, Accelerating Equity: Improving Student Success in Developmental and Gateway Courses. The annual CUE conference is an opportunity to share evidence-based practice

OpenLab Office Hours

N-227 NY

All office hours take place in the conference room of the Faculty Commons, N227. Questions:

Drop-In Research Workshops


Q: Are you looking for research help with that final paper or assignment of the semester? A: If so, come to the Ursula C. Schwerin Library on these dates for our special drop-in workshops. RSVP: Keith Muchowski at

Writing Intensive Certification Colloquium


Join us as this year’s Writing Intensive Certification program participants share reworked syllabi and assignments and speak about how Writing Across the Curriculum philosophy influenced their approach to teaching. Come be inspired by your fellow faculty, and learn about how you can participate in next year’s program.