Mid Career Faculty Publication Program

N-227 NY

Dates: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Time: 1:00 – 2:30 PM Room: Faculty Commons Main Room in N227 Seminar Leaders: Pamela Brown and Monica Berger Invitation Only.

iTEC: Prezi for Online Presentations


Learn how to use Prezi, an online presentation tool. Zoom in and out of your online images, videos, and text to present conceptual material.  To register, email: itec@citytech.cuny.edu

OpenLab: Designing and Assessing Student Work on the OpenLab


*OpenLab Account Required Date: Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 Time: 3:00-4:30pm Venue: G604 Do you want to create online interaction with your students and also be able to assess it within the OpenLab? This workshop shares useful OpenLab tools for blogging and assessing student work and helps you to brainstorm assignment design for your OpenLab course.

Library: Open Education Week

Why does Open Education Matter? How do textbook costs impact you? The Library invites the college community to celebrate this international event to spread awareness about free and open educational resources. Knowledge sharing is a fundamental principle of education at its core and open educational resources (OERs) can be powerful tools to advance knowledge access;

iTEC: Blogs & Wikis


Learn how to create group Web sites and blogs or private journal assignments for students using Blog or Wiki tools. To register, email: itec@citytech.cuny.edu

iTEC: Websupport1


Websupport1 is the faculty Web server for educational and class materials that you wish to share with your students. Learn how to create basic Web page(s) and your own site, as well as how to upload files to the server. To register, email: itec@citytech.cuny.edu