Have you completed the COACHE survey yet?
Why does my response matter?
In order to address the concerns of the faculty, we need to hear from every one of you! This is the sixth time City Tech has administered the COACHE. As a result of prior COACHE surveys, City Tech has:
- Initiated the Faculty Commons
- Updated the Professional Development Plan (PDP)
- Developed the PARSE and the Guidelines to the Faculty Personnel Process
- Offered January Professional Development workshops for Department Appointments Committees
- Held conversations with the provost and president about promotion for prospective candidates and other interested faculty members
- Held workshops on how to prepare of an effective PARSE
- Introduced charge meetings for members of ad hoc promotion committees
- Introduced charge meetings for ad hoc P&B reappointments committees
- Expanded New Faculty orientation (pre‐service and fall semester)
- Launched workshops for members of departmental peers committees
- Developed an orientation program for new department chairs
- Created the Mid‐Career Faculty Publication Program
- Introduced faculty mentoring with focus on promotion from Associate to Full Professor
- Focused on a re-envisioned City Tech landscape for research, scholarship, and creative activity with the formation of the City Tech Research Council
- Supported events and initiatives to advance the institutional wellbeing and scholarship of – Hispanic faculty, Asian faculty, African American faculty, LGBTQ+ faculty, multi-lingual faculty, women faculty
- Developed initiatives to highlight faculty success
- Expanded opportunities for undergraduate research
Is my response anonymous?
No one at City Tech has access to the individual data, and we will not receive any aggregated data if there are fewer than five responses in the field. Furthermore, CUNY has signed an agreement not to share any parts of the data that might compromise anonymity. If you have any questions, please reach out to Yonchao “Yimi” Zhao in AIRE, or to Shelley Smith or Mary Ann Biehl in the Faculty Commons.
How do I participate?
Look for an email from Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education <coachefaculty@abtsurvey.com> for your link to the survey. If you cannot find the email or have accidentally deleted it, please email Dr. Yongchao “Yimi” Zhao (yongchao.zhao97@citytech.cuny.edu)
If you have further questions or concerns, please reach out to Associate Provost Blake or to one of the faculty members of the COACHE Task Force:
- Ivan Guzman, Associate Professor, Construction Management & Civil Engineering
- Candido Cabo, Professor, Computer Systems Technology
- Peter Catapano, Professor, Social Science
- Ann Delilkan, Associate Professor and Chair, Humanities
- Gerarda Shields, Dean, School of Technology and Design
- Anne Leonard, Associate Professor, Library
- Jeannette Espinoza, Associate Professor, Law & Paralegal Studies
- Mary Ann Biehl, Professor, Co-Director of Faculty Commons, Communication Design
- Shelley Smith, Professor, Co-Director of Faculty Commons, Architectural Technology
- George Larkins, Assistant Professor, Communication Design
- Amit Mehrotra, Assistant Professor, Hospitality Management
- Urmi Duttagupta, Professor, Mathematics
- Sandie Han, Professor, Mathematics
- Lubie Alatriste, Professor, English