Instructional/Information Technology in CUNY: Innovating and Integrating
Innovation and integration are essential, nowhere more so than with academic uses of technology, but they pull in different directions: innovation strikes out in new directions; integration pulls in and consolidates. Without integrating the new, we would have only random acts of innovation; without innovation, integration would stultify rather than advance. The City University of New York’s 14th Annual IT Conference will look at how our innovations can become more visible and sustainable as well as how integration can help us all move forward. What innovations are taking place in our core enterprises of teaching, learning, and research that we need to be more aware of and connected to? How has our functioning as a university system become more systemic and efficient? How do we avoid reinventing whatever new “wheel” emerges while making sure that we keep being inventive?
As has been the case since its inception, the conference will be held at John Jay College, offering overviews of the University’s key IT initiatives, discussions of how technology can support and advance teaching, scholarship, and administration, and a chance to meet with vendors. As always, proposals for presentations are invited from the CUNY community, particularly on how innovations can be shared and sustained.
1. What are important innovations are emerging? How do we know that what’s new is not just different but better by careful assessment and evaluation?
2. How are we moving away from “random acts of innovation” and toward ways of consolidating and disseminating effective change? What are we doing to make innovations more visible, more accessible, more supportable?
3. How can alternatives to consolidation like collaboration and cooperation foster flexibility as well as integration, freedom as well as efficiency?
Proposals are invited for panels or presentations but also roundtables, workshops, and other interactions. Specifying format as well as focus, each proposal should include a title, an abstract of no more than 200 words, and the name and affiliation of each party to the proposal. (Proposals are welcome from individuals but are particularly welcome from groups that have found ways of arranging multiple perspectives on a subject.)
Proposals must be submitted using this form by 9/16/15. Acceptances will be announced by the end of that month.
[icon name=”calendar” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Date: Thursday, December 3, 2015 / Friday, December 4, 2015
[icon name=”clock-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Time: 9 AM – 5 PM
[icon name=”map-marker” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Venue: John Jay College of Criminal Justice
For more information visit: