Illya Azaroff is among Governor Hochul’s appointees to NYSERDA’s newly launched “New York State Climate Impacts Assessment: Understanding and Preparing for Our Changing Climate.” He will work with a diverse group of experts and stakeholders from across the state to develop a science-based assessment of observed and projected climate impacts on New York’s communities, ecosystems, infrastructure, and economy. This assessment will build on New York’s first statewide climate change assessment (ClimAID), which was released in 2011.
The assessment will seek input from a range of stakeholders and users, including policymakers, advocates, business leaders, environmental justice communities, and more. The assessment team is committed to ensuring its findings and products are relevant, accessible, and useful to all New Yorkers. The final research and outreach products will provide an accurate and comprehensive scientific understanding of probable climate change-related impacts so everyone can be empowered to make informed decisions around climate resiliency, preparedness, and environmental disaster response and recovery.
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Press release: