Office of Postsecondary Education: Minority Science and Engineering Improvement (MSEIP) Program
Connect the Dots: Digital Open Tools and Supports for Student Success in STEM
October 1, 2022–September 20, 2025
Jonas Reitz – Mathematics Department
Satyanand Singh – Mathematics Department
City Tech’s MSEIP proposal, Connect the Dots: Digital Open Tools and Supports for Student Success in STEM aims to improve student success in computationally based STEM courses by connecting mathematics to STEM disciplines with Open Educational Resources (OER). The project’s adoption will increase pedagogical effectiveness of OER for STEM via faculty professional development. City Tech will adhere to set up guidelines in the design of electronic materials. Evaluation activities will ensure that the college is providing fair access to program activities for students, faculty, staff and other program beneficiaries with special needs.
Office of Postsecondary Education: Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program
Early Start and Extended Hours: Campus Child Care for Students
October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2026
Ansil Baptiste – Executive Director, Our Child Care Center
This project supports the enrollment, retention, and graduation of low-income student-parents by expanding high-quality, subsidized childcare services at City Tech. The proposal meets both Absolute Priority I, by using non-federal funding and in-kind institutional contributions, and Absolute Priority II, by using federal block grant sliding fee scales for childcare subsidies. City Tech, a Hispanic Serving Institution, offers both baccalaureate and associate degrees across 53 fields of study. The project aims to help 129 low-income families annually by offering nationally accredited childcare services, with expanded hours to accommodate class schedules, and by providing added resources such as a Social Worker to aid single parents. The expected outcomes include improved GPAs, increased retention, persistence, and graduation rates, along with reduced emotional and financial stress for student-parents.
Office of Postsecondary Education: Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program
STEM Success Collaborative: Advancing Equity for Hispanic and Low-Income Students through an Innovative Model of Academic, Student Support, and Institutional Resource Integration
October 1, 2021–September 30, 2026
Shelley Smith – Architectural Technology Department
City Tech, a Hispanic Serving Institution with the largest STEM enrollment in CUNY, proposes the STEM Success Collaborative to improve the momentum, graduation, and workforce readiness of Hispanic and low-income STEM students. This initiative integrates academic, student support, and institutional resources to enhance STEM education. Key components include new cross-cutting STEM curricula, experiential learning opportunities, comprehensive advising, and strong industry partnerships for career planning. The project also features a financial education program modeled on best practices from Indiana University and Washington University. This proposal addresses two competitive priorities: fostering flexible and affordable education pathways and promoting skills development for informed citizenship. The long-term goal is to institutionalize these practices for sustained student success after the grant period ends.