Using Grade Equity Index to identify Achievement Gaps of Latinx Students

Join Prof. Melanie Villatoro and Prof. Diana Samaroo for the final session of a two-workshop series modeled on professional development work by ESCALA Educational Services. In this workshop, you will learn how to calculate a disaggregated course equity index for your courses. Faculty participants should bring their grade distribution disaggregated by gender and ethnicity. The

Special Series for CUNY Faculty: Disability & Accessibility

The CUNY Office of Student Inclusion Initiatives and Disability Programs is sponsoring a 3-part series of virtual events, open to all faculty and staff. Presentations will last approximately 30 minutes and will be recorded. The remaining time will be reserved for questions and discussion and will not be recorded. Sessions will be led by Jessica

AI and Discriminatory bias as a professional

Join us for an exciting lunchtime presentation and discussion:  AI For The People Leader Mutale Nkonde will discuss algorithmic bias and its impact on education, health, finance, and career. How can better policies mitigate these issues?  Open to All Majors!  Refreshments provided. Academic Complex – A 105 Limited Seating / Live Webcast RSVP by Wednesday,

Food, Farms, and Community Supported Agriculture

Join the Green Team Initiative Speaker Series, along with the New Roots Institute: This third talk in our "Food, Farms, and Community Supported Agriculture" series is slated to be a lively talk with a representative from the New Root Institute, joining us from California to have an informative talk about factory farming, its impacts on

The Publication Support Workshop Series

The Publications Support Workshop Series is designed to support new faculty, faculty from disciplines where training is not typically focused on publication, as well as mid-career and senior faculty seeking to reenergize or refocus their scholarly activities. Join us for the second in the series,: The Journal Editor's Perspective — Focus on the peer review

City Tech’s 21st Annual Poster Session

The 21st Annual Poster Session will be held on Thursday, November 16, 2023, from 12:30 to 3 pm. This event will showcase the results of the research of our faculty and students and will be open to the public.The Poster Session has become a tradition at the College to highlight the research achievements of our

Special Series for CUNY Faculty: Disability & Accessibility

The CUNY Office of Student Inclusion Initiatives and Disability Programs is sponsoring a 3-part series of virtual events, open to all faculty and staff. Presentations will last approximately 30 minutes and will be recorded. The remaining time will be reserved for questions and discussion and will not be recorded. Sessions will be led by Jessica

Save the date: Fall 2023 Open House

Join us at the fall Open House on Sunday, November 19, 2023. This event will kick off at 11AM.  As you know this is a great opportunity to showcase our amazing faculty, unique academic majors, and opportunity programs.  Mark your calendars and be on the lookout for more details.

8th Annual City Tech Science Fiction Symposium

You are invited to attend the 8th Annual City Tech Science Fiction Symposium on Thursday, November 30 (9:00AM-5:00PM) Online via Zoom, Sponsored by the School of Arts and Sciences. The theme for this year is “Science Fiction, Gender, and Sexuality.” The event features a keynote address by Ytasha L. Womack, a critically acclaimed author, filmmaker, and independent

Know Your Body

Human Anatomy & Physiology students will translate their curriculum experience and become a teacher for a day. Activities include information on how our body parts coordinate and function in health and disease. Learn about Pace makers, blood pressure, diet, compare food platters and eating disorders like anorexia. Mental health (prion, depression, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia), respiratory