Publication Support Workshop Series: Open Publishing

Scholarly Publishing Workshops from the Library These workshops support your publishing and teach you how to make yourself more visible and how to document the impact of your work. There are many paths to open! Learn about resources from CUNY and City Tech library that facilitate authoring preprints, open access monographs and journals, open textbooks,

City Tech Awards and Commencement 2024

We are pleased to invite all members of our community to the culminating events of the 2023-2024 academic year. Seeing and interacting with supportive professors and staff members at these events is important to City Tech students.  With your help, we can make this event magical and memorable for our students.

City Tech Awards and Commencement 2024

We are pleased to invite all members of our community to the culminating events of the 2023-2024 academic year. Seeing and interacting with supportive professors and staff members at these events is important to City Tech students.  With your help, we can make this event magical and memorable for our students.

ASRC Grants 101 Bootcamp

Applications are now open for CUNY’s ASRC’s Fall 2024 Grants 101 Bootcamp. The focus of the Bootcamp will be conceptualizing research questions / ideas to fit a specific federal funding agency or major eternal sponsor (e.g., NSF, NIH, NEH, DOD, DOE, IES, Spencer, Simons, etc.) and writing a 1–3-page concept or whitepaper for discussing your idea

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Grants

Overview: The NEA was established by Congress in 1965 and it’s an independent federal agency that is the largest funder of the arts and arts education in communities nationwide, and a catalyst of public and private support for the arts. By advancing equitable opportunities for arts participation and practice, the NEA fosters and sustains an

Undergraduate Research Mixer – Save the Date!

29th semi-annual (virtual) Research Mixer Watch for the email with details on how to join. Each semester, the Research Mixer brings together faculty and student researchers who share an interest in mentoring and fostering collaboration. Full-time and part-time faculty from all departments and majors are welcome. The Research Mixer will commence with short presentations by

Works in the Works: What Justifies a Health Law or Policy?

The Humanities Department in its Works in the Works series has the following presentation: Speaker: Prof. Robert MacDougall, Social Science Department Title: What Justifies a Health Law or Policy? Two Views Abstract: What justifies a health law or policy? What makes it good rather than bad, right rather than wrong? One kind of answer to this question refers to our moral duties: a law or policy is

City Tech’s LGBTQIA+ Collective hybrid General Meeting

You're Invited! City Tech’s LGBTQIA+ Collective first Fall 2024 General Meeting – hybrid format, 9/26 @2:30pm, A517 & Zoom Join us as we discuss upcoming plans, hear from sub-committees and continue efforts to cultivate, promote and strengthen an LGBTQIA+ identity and culture at City Tech that supports our LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff. Details: LGBTQIA+

RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: Pivot-RP Training for CUNY Grant Seekers

Overview: Pivot-RP is an online tool that helps users connect with global and local research opportunities. This webinar is suitable for those seeking a Pivot-RP refresher and/or new faculty interested in learning about Pivot- RP. Access, Researcher Profiles, and Funding Database Navigation will be reviewed. Audience: All CUNY FacultyPresenter: Andrew Bell, Pivot-RP Customer Success ManagerAgenda,