CUNY Manuscript Bootcamp

Sold Out

Facilitator: Mark E. Hauber, PhD, DSc Interim University Vice Provost for Research The aim of the Manuscript Bootcamp is for faculty members to take a day and fully focus on getting started on new manuscript that they are keen to develop fully. Dedicated time for writing will be interspersed with instant peer-reviews and working groups to

The Virtual CUNYverse: Developing Synergies among CUNY Colleges to Support the Online Initiative

John Jay College 524 West 59th Street, New York, NY

The 3rd Annual CUNY Online Education Conference will be held on Friday, May 12, at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 524 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019. This year’s conference theme, “The Virtual CUNYverse: Developing Synergies among CUNY Colleges to Support the Online Initiative,” emphasizes the connections within and across CUNY colleges and

A Constitution Week observance


As a document that defines and limits the powers of the government, the United States Constitution guarantees us the right to a fair trial.  But what does this really mean? And how does this actually play out in the real world?  Come join faculty from the Legal Studies and Social Science departments as we celebrate

Living Lab General Education Seminar: Application Spring 2018

New York City College of Technology of the City University of New York A Living Lab General Education Seminar – Spring 2018 *** Application Deadline 5:00pm, Monday, October 23, 2017 *** To apply, please complete the application form, or copy and paste this link: Seminar Objective The seminar is designed to make General Education