Humanities Seminar: Works in the Works – Prof. Denise Scannell presents Consultation and Coordination with Tribal Governments: The Value of Intercultural Communication in Environmental Policy Making


Place: A631 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 1 pm - 2 pm Prof. Scannell presents "Consultation and Coordination with Tribal Governments: The Value of Intercultural Communication in Environmental Policy Making" Refreshments served. Faculty, staff, and students welcome. Click to view poster.

Humanities Seminar: Works in the Works – Prof. Michael McAuliffe presents The Poetics of the Private Collection: Delectare et Docere the Janos Scholz Italian Drawings Study Collection


Place: A631  Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2015 Time: 1 - 2 pm Prof. Michael McAuliffe presents The Poetics of the Private Collection: Delectare et Docere the Janos Scholz Italian Drawings Study Collection. This talk presents the Italian old master drawings collection of the Hungarian cellist Janos Scholz (1904−1993) at the Morgan Library and Museum. Issues of

Humanities Seminar: Works in the Works – Becoming American: Constructing Mexican Immigrants in Local Newspapers


Place: A631 Date: Thursday, December 10th, 2015 at 1 pm This study critically investigates how new articles published in WA represent Mexican immigrants. The findings reveal that local news media construct Mexican immigrants as the racial “Other” through dialectical articulation and assimilationist rhetoric. Key implications for future research will be offered at the end for

Humanities Seminar: Works in the Works: Exploring Persuasion in Health Communication (from Stating to “Shoulding”) A Talk by David Lee


Date: Thursday, March 10, 2016 Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm Location: A631   Globalization, migration, extreme weather events and multilingual populations present a need for better Health Communication. Public health campaigns are always trying new ways to reach target populations but these days people are bombarded with a cacophony of health related messages and it's harder