Google Scholar Profile (Express Workshop)

Google Scholar Profiles provide an easy way for you to showcase your individual scholarship and, more importantly, easily examine who is citing your work and find citation counts. Our Scholarly

Freely Available Scholarly Metrics (Express Workshop)

Covers Google Scholar Profile for citations and Google Scholar for journal rankings, Scimago for journal rankings, Altmetric Attention Scores for social media, and download reports from Academic Works (and other

WAC: Cumulative Self Evaluation (re: ePARSE)

This workshop will guide 4th, 5th, and 6th-year faculty to draft their self-evaluation through self-reflection, guided peer-review, and group discussion. Participants are expected to complete a self-paced workshop and create

Faculty Friday: ePARSE Workshop: What to include & Where

Professor Paul King presented this information-packed April 9th session included an overview of the reappointment, tenure, and promotion process and much detailed guidance on creating a clear, organized, and effective

WAC: Minimal Marking and Effective Grading

This workshop offers strategies for minimizing time spent on grading while maximizing the effectiveness of written comments. Contact Program Directors:Prof. Samar ElHitt or Prof. Nina Bannett nbannett@citytech.cuny.eduWAC OpenLab site