Call for Proposals: 13th Annual CUNY Accessibility Conference

The State of Accessibility: Are We Living Up to the Promise of Compliance and the Law? Four Day Virtual Event, 2022Monday, April 11thTuesday, April 12thWednesday, April 13thThursday, April 14th Each year, the CUNY Accessibility Conference brings together hundreds of participants from the New York City region and across North America to discuss accessibility, disability services

2022 – 2023 Scholar on Campus Program

The 2022 – 2023 Scholar on Campus award will be made to a member of the faculty who has demonstrated extraordinary scholarship and creative work that has had an important impact at City Tech and in the larger community. Successful candidates must display substantial evidence of scholarly excellence, which may be demonstrated by publications, performances,

RF CUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: NSF Facilitating Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions

Targeted Audience: STEM faculty in CUNY collegesPresenters: John Tsapogas-Director RF-Office of Award Pre-Proposal Support & Lawrence Pratt, Associate Professor Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, Medgar Evers College Overview of Webinar: The Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) and Research Opportunity Awards (ROA) funding opportunities support research by faculty members at predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs). RUI proposals support

Physics Department presents Effects of confinement and degeneracy on optomechanical interaction between whispering-gallery-modes and a nanoparticle: old results and new ideas

Optical force on a polarizable dipole is usually divided into a conservative force, described as a gradient of the effective potential energy proportional to the intensity of electromagnetic field, and a non-conservative scattering or radiative pressure force. In this talk i will show that combination of the confinement of light in highly symmetrical optical cavity

24th Semi-Annual Research Mixer

Would you like to engage City Tech students in your research project(s) ? Are you seeking research mentees ? Would you like to meet a cohort of our best, our brightest, and our most promising students ? Are you interested in learning more about funded research opportunities at City Tech ? If you answered yes

WAC: Effective Assignment Design Workshop

This workshop will cover a number of assignment design strategies that emphasize active learning through student writing. Developing effective writing assignments helps students retain and critically think about course content. In this workshop, faculty will have the chance to discuss and enhance their own writing assignments.  Please register in advance using the following link: After registering, you

Equity, Accessibility, and Artificial Intelligence panel discussion webinar

Please join the John Jay Teaching and Learning Center and the Center for International Human Rights for a webinar on 2/24/22 on Equity Accessibility and Artificial Intelligence from 1:40-2:55 pm ET. This event on equity, accessibility and artificial intelligence is of particular importance to those interested in human rights, international humanitarian law, effects of globalization and impact

Faculty Friday: Visualizing Information:  A Day in the Life of a Data Journalist

Announcing a special Faculty Friday event ... all students, faculty, staff welcome! Joe Murphy from NBC News will speak about his experiences on the data and graphics desk at an international newsroom, covering—from a data angle—the pandemic, Mariah Carey, school shootings, and climate change, among other topics. Popular tasks include data collection, scraping, and analyzing;

Communicating Your Science Series: CUNY STEM Opportunities for Mastering Science Outreach

This event is part of the Communicating Your Science series. This series features presentations by The Graduate Center’s science librarian and communications staff, journal editors, and reporters. The goal of this series is to enhance the professional development and science communication skills of CUNY STEM faculty, postdocs, and students. Learn more » In popular culture,