iTEC: MS Office Excel 2013 (Customized for eFolders)


This is not an eFolders workshop. However, this workshop will cover how to use Microsoft Excel 2013 for eFolders, as well as for grading, formulas, logical tests, and other topics. Some basics of Excel will also be reviewed, such as printing to fit on one page. To register, email:

iTEC: MS Office Excel 2013 (Customized for eFolders)


This is not an eFolders workshop. However, this workshop will cover how to use Microsoft Excel 2013 for eFolders, as well as for grading, formulas, logical tests, and other topics. Some basics of Excel will also be reviewed, such as printing to fit on one page. To register, email:

iTEC: MS Office Excel 2013 (Customized for eFolders)


This is not an eFolders workshop. However, this workshop will cover how to use Microsoft Excel 2013 for eFolders, as well as for grading, formulas, logical tests, and other topics. Some basics of Excel will also be reviewed, such as printing to fit on one page. To register, email:

Mid-Career Faculty Fellowship Program

Spring 2018 Application Application Deadline: October 30, 2017 CUNY’s strategic framework calls for new strategies to build greater diversity in the faculty. The 2015 administration of the COACHE faculty satisfaction survey and participants in the workshop series, Moving from Associate to Full Professor, suggest that CUNY’s mid-career faculty want more support for promotion. In response,

Advanced – MS Office Excel 2016


Workshop covering advanced topics in Microsoft Office Excel To Register Email

MS Office Excel 2016 – Customized for eFolders


This is not an eFolders workshop. However, this workshop will cover how to use Microsoft Excel 2016 for eFolders, as well as for grading, formulas, logical tests, and other topics. Some basics of Excel will also be reviewed, such as printing to fit on one page. To Register Email