Introduction to PressForward

Room 9204 The Graduate Center, CUNY

By: The Teaching and Learning Center & GC Digital Initiatives @ The Graduate Center, CUNY In this introductory workshop, new users will participate in a hands-on introduction to PressForward. The

OpenLab Office Hours


All office hours take place in the conference room of the Faculty Commons, N227. Questions:

Applying for a PSC-CUNY Research Award


The Office of Sponsored Programs will give a review of PSC-CUNY Research Award Program and demonstrate how to apply online. New faculty members are encouraged to attend. RSVP: Sponsored Programs



A faculty workshop introducing the ePortfolio project on OpenLab's Wordpress software. Discover a simple, effective way to bring ePortfolios into your classroom to support your students' academic progress. To register,

Grade Center


This workshop will cover how to create tests and set up Blackboard's grade center for quizzes and assignments. To register, email

Blackboard Fundamentals


Bring your syllabus and course materials to prepare your actual course on Blackboard for Web-enhanced instruction. All faculty must have a CUNY portal ID before attending this workshop. You should

Blackboard Collaborate


Online videoconferencing is available to all professors and their students using Blackboard. Use a video and voice chat tool to have live conversations with online students. In addition, use push