Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP)

Click on banner for more info The Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP) advances CUNY’s institutional commitment to diversity. Sponsored by the Office of Recruitment and Diversity, this University-wide initiative assists

OpenLab: Open Pedagogy: Access Pedagogy


How do we make ourselves accessible as teachers? What does an accessible syllabus look like? To what extent are our classrooms accessible? Join colleagues to consider how we can increase

Digital Privacy: A Hands-on Workshop

L-540 (In the Library)

Learn more about privacy and take control of your digital identity! In this hands-on workshop, City Tech faculty, students, and staff will learn how to protect themselves against surveillance and

Learn how to use reading strategies that work


READ is a multi-component, multi-disciplinary project in which reading and content area faculty collaborate to design discipline-specific reading strategies to improve student learning in selected courses


L-540 (In the Library)

Introduction to Zotero In this hands-on workshop, attendees will learn the capabilities of this powerful, free open-source reference management software program. The session covers creating an account, adding Zotero to

Open Hour on the OpenLab


Ready to get hands-on experience on the OpenLab with face-to-face help available for support? Bring your ideas and questions, and join the OpenLab team for our Open Hour, a great