CUNY’s 13th Annual IT Conference

Change is the new constant, but some (big) changes are more like shifts: shifts in practice and perspective; generational shifts; shifts in procedure and position; even tectonic shifts. The City University of New York’s 13th annual IT Conference will sum up some shifts our many changes add up to. What shifts are taking place in

Research in the Classroom: A CUNY Workshop

John Jay College of Criminal Justice Student Dining Hall 524 W. 59th Street, Manhattan, NY, United States

Our mission is to expand the scope of the research endeavor at CUNY by broadening participation of undergraduate students. The traditional ‘apprentice’ model encourages students to work in a laboratory setting or one-on-one with a professor. Our goal is to take faculty research directly to students in the classroom by creating a research-integrated curriculum. To

CUNY Service Corps Faculty Led-Project

DEADLINE to submit application is March 25, 2016  View PDF for information on how to submit Email So Lan Liang for additional information or questions: