We are excited to announce a new informal seminar series, the City Tech Community Roundtable. The goal of the new series is to bring together faculty and students from all disciplines at the college and contribute to building, or re-building, the nurturing intellectual community that the last three years have made it difficult to have. Our meetings will be in person, on the fourth Thursday of the month, from 1 to 2pm, in N227. You are welcome to bring your own lunch, but we’ll provide coffee and cookies!
Rather than a traditional seminar format, we encourage shorter 15-20-minute informal talks (with or without slides), with a few speakers for each event; faculty and student teams are particularly encouraged to participate. We are interested in any aspect of your research, scholarship, or creative activity: share a result, test run a conference presentation, solicit feedback or collaborators on a specific idea, try out a funding pitch, or simply tell us about something you find interesting and you want to share with your community. We only ask that you keep your presentation approachable for faculty and students in different disciplines.
All self-nominations for talks are encouraged; our first dates are March 23rd and April 27. Please let us know if you’d like to give a short talk by filling in this brief form. You can volunteer for this semester or a later date, so don’t be shy – we’ll make sure to pick a date that works for you.
Whether you are planning to present, please join us and invite your students and colleagues to join!