Join us for a day of talks from experts in nursing, dental hygiene, health sciences, art history, communication studies, and other fields.
Topics include: current research in health communication; health disparities and health equity; narrative medicine; collaborations between arts and sciences; Spanish language speakers seeking healthcare; communication skills training; social marketing; video game interventions, and communicating about the opioid crisis.
The City Tech Department of Humanities will also present a new Bachelor of Science in Health Communication, currently under review. The event is made possible by a National Communication Association “Advancing the Discipline” grant. Refreshments provided.
The event is free and open to the public. City Tech faculty, students and staff can enter using their school ID.
Attendees from outside of City Tech, please email to be placed on the guest list.
“New Directions in Health Communication Research and Education”
—Dr. Gary Kreps, University Distinguished Professor of Communication and Director of the Center for Health and Risk Communication at George Mason University
“Health Equity and Health Communication: Moving Toward a New Paradigm”
—Dr. Renata Schiavo, Senior Lecturer, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health; Founding President & Board of Directors, Health Equity Initiative; Principal, Strategic Communication Resources
“Exploring the Role of Narrative Medicine in Healthcare Communication”
—Cindy Smalletz, M.A., M.S., Program Director, Columbia University Narrative Medicine Program