PDAC Fall 2019 Teaching Recognition Award
The 2019-2020 Teaching Recognition Award honors a faculty member with long-term dedication to actualizing City Tech’s mission as an institution “committed to high quality technological and professional education.”
The Teaching Recognition Award is a year-long honor administered through the Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC), which has recognized and supported faculty development for four decades. The recipient will be granted $1,000 for professional travel during the 2019-20 academic year in support of his/her recognized expertise. The awardee will plan and offer faculty development activities in consultation with Faculty Commons at City Tech during their tenure. These activities may include, but are not limited to, offering seminars or workshops on topics such as innovative teaching practices across the disciplines, exemplary online/partially online or laboratory teaching and pedagogy, development and implementation of open educational resources, use of evidence based pedagogical initiatives, and/or high impact educational practices (Kuh, 2008), and should include assessment.
Full-time tenured faculty at all ranks and lecturers with a Certificate of Continuous Employment (CCE) are eligible to be nominated for the award. Nominations are welcomed from faculty, administrators and the candidates themselves. Nominators, having obtained the consent of the candidate, should forward the name and statement of support. The nomination should be submitted to the Chair of the PDAC, Associate Provost Pamela Brown, at pbrown@citytech.cuny.edu, subject – Teaching Recognition Award Nomination, by Monday, September 16, 2019. A Dropbox site will be made available for nominees to upload their teaching portfolios and personal statements, by Friday, October 4, 2019.
Selection Process
PDAC‘s Teaching Recognition Award Committee will evaluate the candidate’s:
The personal statement should also include proposed professional development activities, of one to two 50 minutes sessions, which should include:
The 2019-2020 Teacher Recognition Award will be announced in mid/late October with an award reception to follow.
Rubric for Teacher Recognition Award
Criteria |
Exceptional |
Good |
Fair or Missing |
Evaluation of Letter of Support, Teaching Portfolio and Personal Statement |
Pedagogical Approaches |
Successfully uses innovative or current methods of teaching, such as active learning or collaborative learning, and/or uses technology and online resources, including Open Educational Resources, to engage students more deeply in the learning process. Demonstrated currency in pedagogical approaches should be reflected in the syllabi, activities designed to help students meet learning goals, research, participation in innovative grant-funded projects, and/or student satisfaction as recorded on the Student Evaluation of Teaching. |
Uses innovative or current methods of teaching and/or uses technology to engage students more deeply in the learning process with moderate success. Demonstrated currency in pedagogical approaches should be reflected in the syllabi, activities designed to help students meet learning goals, research, participation in innovative grant-funded projects, and/or student satisfaction as recorded on the Student Evaluation of Teaching. |
Either does not use innovative teaching methods and/or technology, or uses them with very little success, as demonstrated by low retention or lack of student satisfaction. Demonstrated currency in pedagogical approaches should be reflected in the syllabi, activities designed to help students meet learning goals, research, participation in innovative grant-funded projects, and/or student satisfaction as recorded on the Student Evaluation of Teaching. |
Teaching Environment |
Creates an environment in the classroom and/or online that is respectful, inclusive, and open-minded. Student evaluations, peer observations, and activities geared towards students can all be used to measure these criteria. |
Creates an environment in the classroom and/or online that is respectful, inclusive, and open-minded. Most (but not all) students would agree with this statement, as reflected in student evaluations. |
Creates an environment that is somewhat respectful, inclusive, and open-minded, as reflected in student evaluations and peer observations. |
Assessment of Students |
Uses a wide variety of methods to assess students. This can include ePortfolios, projects, research papers, tests and quizzes, case studies, essays, and student presentations. |
Uses several methods to assess students, such as tests, essays, and projects. |
Uses only one or two very traditional methods to assess students, such as exams. |
Sharing of Expertise |
Develops curricula, improved teaching methods, Open Educational Resources, online learning modules, and/or pedagogical activities that are shared freely with others in the department, college, or field of study through workshops, speaking engagements, published research, or other means. |
Develops curricula, improved teaching methods, Open Educational Resources, online learning modules, and/or pedagogical activities that are shared with others informally or on a small scale. |
Does not develop innovative teaching methods but is willing to share very traditional methods with some colleagues. |
Evaluation of proposed professional development activities |
Objectives of Professional Development |
Clear expectations are provided for PD participants on what they will learn and be required to do. An appropriate target audience has been appropriately identified. The goals and timeline are well constructed. |
Expectations are provided, a target audience is identified and there are goals and a timeline |
One or more important component is missing |
Content and Pedagogical Approacheds |
Engaging content and PD learning strategies are proposed; a source may be included (e.g., citation). |
Appropriate Content and PD learning strategies are proposed. |
One or more important component is missing |
Assessment |
Strong assessment plan provided. Training outcomes data will be collected and analyzed to assess participant self-assessment of acquired knowledge and skills. Longer term assessment plans may be included. |
Complete assessment plan provided. |
One or more important component is missing |
Eligibility: Full-time tenured faculty at all ranks and lecturers with a Certificate of Continuous Employment (CCE)
Nominations: Due by Monday, September 16, 2019.
Selection Process: Nominees submit a personal statement, which includes a brief summary of teaching practices/philosophy and planned professional development activities and their teaching portfolio, by Friday, October 4, 2019. The evaluation rubric and more details are provided in the attachment.
Award Announcement and celebration: mid-to-late October or early November
As this is still a fairly new PDAC award, your feedback and suggestions for improvement are most welcome. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.