Call for Fellows: What do you need to thrive?

As Fellows, 10 assistant or associate professors will receive a range of support from Mentors throughout the 2022-2023 academic year.  Activities may include workshops as well as one-on-one meetings on topics such as developing a plan for promotion, the PARSE, grant writing, goal setting, mid-career pivot (developing a new scholarly or creative agenda), publication guidance, advice on non-traditional scholarly activity to

Call for Mentors: Help build a mentoring network at City Tech

We are seeking senior faculty with different areas of expertise to help build a mentoring network program at City Tech throughout the 2022-2023 academic year.  Please consider participating as a mentor or a lead mentor. Lead Mentors will receive a $500 stipend. Activities will include serving on the Mentoring Network Steering Committee and, developing and delivering

Quantum and the Future of Computing: Expert Talk from a Swiss Laboratory

Attached is a flyer for the upcoming expert talk on quantum computing by Luciano Bello of IBM, Zurich.  The flyer links to a registration landing page (  The Zoom session can hold up to 300 attendees.  Where a group, such as a class, can participate on one connection that would be preferable but not necessary.

Kognito – certification to support student mental health wellness

CUNY is offering a free simulated workshop providing best communication practices and interventions for student mental health wellness. Won’t you join us during spring break?* Participants will complete the simulated best practices workshop, join colleagues for a lively post-Kognito discussion, and obtain a Kognito completion certificate. Presented by Professor Justine Pawlukewicz, Human Services Department. Open

2022-2023 OUSAP Leadership Development Fellowship Program

The CUNY Office of Undergraduate Studies, Academic Programs & Policy (OUSAP) is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 OUSAP Leadership Development Fellowship Program.OUSAP initiated this program to increase CUNY’s pipeline of faculty who are well prepared to thrive and serve in an academic executive leadership role at CUNY. The program is designed to provide faculty

Retaining Diverse Groups in STEM

Speaker: Melanie Villatoro, Ph.D.Chair of Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology Department Abstract:Colleges across the United States must produce more engineering graduates to keep up with demands of the engineering workforce. Population trends indicate that women and minorities are highly underrepresented in the STEM fields. Therefore, recruitment and retention of these populations is critical to

Adventures in Ungrading: The Community College Experience

What are your students actually learning from your course? Are your students intrinsically motivated to deepen their learning and content knowledge, or extrinsically motivated to play the game of getting a good score and grade? “Ungrading” is a growing movement in higher education that critically questions the conventional grading system and traditional forms of assessment.

Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work’s Critical Feminist Social Work Roundtable: “Social Work and Reproductive Justice”

We will hear Dr. Zakiya Luna, Dr. Stephanie Begun, and Dr.Erica Goldblatt Hyatt discuss their use of critical feminisms in social work research. Dr.Mery Diaz, faculty in City Tech's Human Services department and Editorial Board member at Affilia, will moderate. This webinar is hosted and co-sponsored by the New York College of Technology's Human Services Department, Gender

City Tech’s Second Annual Experiential Learning Virtual Conference

The conference will take place on Thursday, April 28, 2022. However, the deadline for applying is next week Thursday, April 14, 2022. Would you please make your students aware of this grand opportunity by promoting it among them ? Your assistance in helping them prepare for this unique event would also be greatly appreciated, and we thank

Pedagogy of Kindness Discussion Series: Call for Presenters

My name is Josh and I work in the Center for Teaching and Learning at Queens College. One of the many exciting projects that we put out during the pandemic is the Pedagogy of Kindness (PoK) discussion series. For the third iteration of PoK, I am thrilled to announce that we are expanding beyond our home campus and inviting