Practicing Ungrading: Why and How with Susan D. Blum

The CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy’s Transformative Learning in the Humanities (TLH) program will be hosting a one-hour virtual workshop with Dr. Susan D. Blum, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Notre Dame and editor of the collection Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to Do Instead)(West Virginia University Press, 2020). We would

Call for Proposals: CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP)

PROGRAM PURPOSE & DESCRIPTION The Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP) is sponsored by the Office of Recruitment and Diversity in order to advance CUNY’s institutional commitment to diversity. This University-wide initiative assists full-time untenured CUNY faculty (assistant professors) in the design and execution of writing projects essential to progress toward tenure. These projects may include

Teaching Matters: “Accessibility as Good Pedagogy

Providing an inclusive learning environment and educational materials that are accessible for all students is as much a matter of sound pedagogy as it is a legal requirement. Join us for an interactive workshop on accessibility in teaching and learning with the diverse student population at CUNY in mind, and a discussion on how integrating

CUNY Women in STEM: Building our Network

Join us for a professional development and networking event open to all CUNY graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty interested in furthering their STEM academic research careers! Patrizia Casaccia, M.D., Ph.D., Einstein Professor and Initiative Director, Advanced Science Research Center, The Graduate Center Saavik Ford, Ph.D., Professor, Borough of Manhattan Community CollegeNina Gray, Ph.D., Executive Director

CUNY Funding Fridays: Fulbright Scholar Program

Aferdita Krasniqi, Outreach and Recruitment Officer, Europe/Eurasia Team Lead, Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, Institute of International Education Yoel Rodríguez, Physical Sciences, Hostos Community College, 2016-2017 Fulbright Recipient Christa Salamandra, Anthropology, Lehman College, 2018-2019 Fulbright Recipient The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers teaching, research, or combination teaching/research awards in more than 130 countries. Opportunities are available

Call for Proposals: 13th Annual CUNY Accessibility Conference

The State of Accessibility: Are We Living Up to the Promise of Compliance and the Law? Four Day Virtual Event, 2022Monday, April 11thTuesday, April 12thWednesday, April 13thThursday, April 14th Each year, the CUNY Accessibility Conference brings together hundreds of participants from the New York City region and across North America to discuss accessibility, disability services

Equity, Accessibility, and Artificial Intelligence panel discussion webinar

Please join the John Jay Teaching and Learning Center and the Center for International Human Rights for a webinar on 2/24/22 on Equity Accessibility and Artificial Intelligence from 1:40-2:55 pm ET. This event on equity, accessibility and artificial intelligence is of particular importance to those interested in human rights, international humanitarian law, effects of globalization and impact

Communicating Your Science Series: CUNY STEM Opportunities for Mastering Science Outreach

This event is part of the Communicating Your Science series. This series features presentations by The Graduate Center’s science librarian and communications staff, journal editors, and reporters. The goal of this series is to enhance the professional development and science communication skills of CUNY STEM faculty, postdocs, and students. Learn more » In popular culture,