MS Office Excel 2016 (Customized for eFolders)


This is not an eFolders workshop. However, this workshop will cover how to use Microsoft Excel 2016 for eFolders, as well as for grading, formulas, logical tests, and other topics. Some basics of Excel will also be reviewed, such as printing to fit on one page. To register email:

Spring 2020 Gen Ed Seminar on Intercultural knowledge and Competence

Dear colleagues- On behalf of the Living Lab General Education Seminar and co-leaders Profs. Anna Matthews (Dental Hygiene) and Jason Montgomery (Architectural Technology), I am delighted to invite you to participate in the Spring 2020 seminar, which will focus on Intercultural Knowledge and Competence. This Gen Ed outcome, important to all, has immediate and particular

Black History Month 2020: Marching On!

Academic Complex, Room A-105 285 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Blackness and the Spatial Politics of Performance for Black Americans under Jim Crow Segregation Public space in the 19th and 20th century was inaccessible most of the time, but there were moments such as expositions, pageants, parades and protests when public space was claimed. Marching On: The Politics of Performance explores the histories, driving forces,

Transitioning to Hybrid Courses

Presenters: Professor Mary Sue Donsky and Dr. Karen Lundstrem This workshop will help you determine how best to design your hybrid course, with attention to which activities work best online synchronously, asynchronously, and face-to-face. A special focus will be given to synchronous online teaching and activities since many professors will be teaching mostly or fully

OLAC: Transitioning to Hybrid Courses 2

Professor Amit Mehrotra and Dr. Karen Lundstrem This presentation will provide you with ideas and suggestions on how to design your hybrid course. Actual examples from some effective courses will be shown. There will also be time for you to ask questions about your own courses for this semester or the spring. More information on

OLAC: Transitioning to Hybrid Courses 3

Professor Sue Brandt and Dr. Karen Lundstrem This presentation will provide you with ideas and suggestions on how to design your hybrid course. Actual examples from some effective courses will be shown. There will also be time for you to ask questions about your own courses for this semester or the spring. More information on

OLAC presents Use of Video and Specialized resources to Improve Comprehension in Hybrid Courses

Use of video, including YuJa, and specialized resources, such as City Tech Writer, to improve comprehension in hybrid courses (as well as in-progress HyFlex) — Professors Sue Brandt, Entertainment Technology, and Lucas Kwong, English. Register here and a ZOOM link will be sent immediately to your inbox. Each month during the spring semester, faculty from