Blackboard Fundamentals


Bring your syllabus and course materials to prepare your actual course on Blackboard for Web-enhanced instruction. All faculty must have a CUNY portal ID before attending this workshop. You should also check to make sure your course is listed on Blackboard. To register email

Blackboard Fundamentals


Bring your syllabus and course materials to prepare your actual course on Blackboard for Web-enhanced instruction. All faculty must have a CUNY portal ID before attending this workshop. You should also check to make sure your course is listed on Blackboard. To register email

Blackboard Collaborate


Online videoconferencing is available to all professors and their students using Blackboard. Use a video and voice chat tool to have live conversations with online students. In addition, use push technologies to share your applications and materials with any student using an Internet connection. Guest speakers from outside Blackboard can also be invited to participate

Blackboard Collaborate


Online videoconferencing is available to all professors and their students using Blackboard. Use a video and voice chat tool to have live conversations with online students. In addition, use push technologies to share your applications and materials with any student using an Internet connection. Guest speakers from outside Blackboard can also be invited to participate

Blackboard Fundamentals


Bring your syllabus and course materials to prepare your actual course on Blackboard for Web-enhanced instruction. All faculty must have a CUNY portal ID before attending this workshop. You should also check to make sure your course is listed on Blackboard. To register email

Blackboard Fundamentals


Bring your syllabus and course materials to prepare your actual course on Blackboard for Web-enhanced instruction. All faculty must have a CUNY portal ID before attending this workshop. You should also check to make sure your course is listed on Blackboard. To register email

Blackboard Collaborate


Online videoconferencing is available to all professors and their students using Blackboard. Use a video and voice chat tool to have live conversations with online students. In addition, use push technologies to share your applications and materials with any student using an Internet connection. Guest speakers from outside Blackboard can also be invited to participate

Blackboard Fundamentals


This workshop will cover the basic features of Blackboard, as well as some new Blackboard tools. To register email

What’s New in Blackboard?


Blackboard's new update includes Blackboard Blog, Wiki, Journal and Collaborate Ultra. The Blackboard Blog and Wiki replace the previous Learning Objects version. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is much simpler for you and your students to use for online chats, office hours, or video conferencing. Unlike the previous version, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra requires no software download, plugin,

What’s New in Blackboard?


Blackboard's new update includes Blackboard Blog, Wiki, Journal and Collaborate Ultra. The Blackboard Blog and Wiki replace the previous Learning Objects version. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is much simpler for you and your students to use for online chats, office hours, or video conferencing. Unlike the previous version, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra requires no software download, plugin,