Faculty Friday – Engaging students in collaborative work using MIRO

Professor Anne Marie Sowder will demonstrate how colleagues are using Miro to engage students in interactive visual collaboration in the virtual classroom. Miro provides a free Educational account to faculty and students. You may wish to create an account and explore the platform prior to the workshop: https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017730473-Education-Plan. For questions please contact Shelley Smith: ssmith@citytech.cuny.edu

Avoiding Predatory Journals and Conferences (Faculty Commons, Faculty Fridays)

Predatory journals and conferences are a hot topic but frequently misunderstood. Professor Monica Berger will debunk some myths and introduce us to the characteristics of predatory journal and conference as well as how to thoughtfully evaluate a journal or conference before submitting. This workshop will include hands-on activities. Watch recording of event below. Slides and

Faculty Friday: Supporting First-Year Student Success

Are you teaching First-Year students? Do you seek ever better ways to support their success? This perpetual challenge has become even more pressing in the online and hybrid environment. The success and thriving of our FY students is a critical priority for the college.Join us this week for our first Faculty Friday -- hear from director

Faculty Friday: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

In recognition of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Week please join a Faculty Friday discussion: Culturally Responsive PedagogyShare your experiences and hear from colleagues, including members of the newly-formed HSI Committee, as we consider curriculum, assignments, and strategies designed to empower, enrich, and acknowledge every member of our diverse community of learners. Suggested reading attached — see especially pages 12-14. Find this and a

Deadline: CUNY Research Scholars Program 2021-2022 Applications

The CUNY Research Scholars Program provides a $4000 stipend ($1000 in Fall, $1000 in Spring and $2000 in Summer) for full-time students enrolled in Associate program or in Bachelor program with less than 50 credits for conducting research with a faculty member. Faculty mentors will also receive $1000 per student as summer salary in June 2022. The purpose of

Faculty Friday: Leveraging the Literature Review

Prof. Monica Berger will discuss - finding target journals for publishing your work; getting a bird’s-eye view of your topic; conducting the literature review; using Google Scholar, citation managers, and link resolvers; assessing journals and avoiding predatory journals. Watch recording below