Prepare to be an effective advisor! – Workshop 1

Did you know that once a student is enrolled at the college, advisement become the responsibility of faculty in the academic departments and programs? Find out how to support student academic and career goals through accurate empathetic advisement. These workshops are designed for new faculty, but will be useful to anyone seeking a refresher. Topics

Engaging Students Through Writing: An Introduction to WAC Principles

Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) will run one faculty workshop this fall. Want to increase engagement in your classroom and help your students become better thinkers? Join us to discuss effective, research-backed ways to do so based on Writing Across the Curriculum principles. The workshop stands alone but is also a great opportunity for faculty

Prepare to be an effective advisor! – Workshop 2

Did you know that once a student is enrolled at the college, advisement become the responsibility of faculty in the academic departments and programs? Find out how to support student academic and career goals through accurate empathetic advisement. These workshops are designed for new faculty, but will be useful to anyone seeking a refresher. Topics

An Introduction to Difficult Dialogues in (and out of) the Classroom

In an increasingly polarized country where all of us tend to stay within our own identity groups, how do we strive to transform conflict across difference? What are the skillsets that we need to practice in order to understand conflict and, more importantly, each other? In and out of our classrooms, how can we create

UT Austin’s 360 Connections as a model for City Tech?

How can we improve student retention and success, especially in the critical first year? The University of Texas at Austin has realized significant improvements with a strategy that places every incoming student into a defined cohort program. On Friday, November 11, Austin's Assistant Dean Patty Micks will speak about this nationally recognized initiative, 360 Connections.

Prepare to be an effective advisor! – Workshop 2

Did you know that once a student is enrolled at the college, advisement become the responsibility of faculty in the academic departments and programs? Find out how to support student academic and career goals through accurate empathetic advisement. These workshops are designed for new faculty, but will be useful to anyone seeking a refresher. Topics

Call For Submissions: City Tech Writer, Volume 18!

In its third year as an all-digital journal, City Tech Writer is still connecting our students with the written word, and we invite you to sponsor submissions for this year's issue. We're looking for excellent student writing (from any discipline) to City Tech Writer, Vol. 18, which can be submitted by uploading a Word document or PDF at The deadline for submissions is November

City Tech’s Twentieth Annual Poster Session

The Poster Session will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2022, from 12:30 to 3 pm, showcasing faculty and student research and creative work. This year, the 20th Annual Poster Session of Faculty and Student Research will be held in person. We will display all posters in the Lobby of the New Academic building. The

Black & Latinx Transgender Solidarity Day

You are invited to join African American Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies in an evening of solidarity, community, and remembrance as we honor the lives of the Black and Latinx victims of gender-related violence. We will share some food together while we create T-shirts, buttons, and other memorabilia to honor the Black and Latinx transgender community members we have lost over the

Call for Applicants: January Open Educational Practices Institute for Part-Time Faculty

The O.E.R. Team at City Tech Library is seeking applications for the January Open Educational Practices Institute for Part-Time Faculty. (Chairs and full-time faculty, please recommend to your part-time colleagues!) The Institute provides training on using free and openly-licensed materials for courses and foregrounding student-centered pedagogical approaches.  More specifically, participants will learn and discuss: As