Faculty Fridays: The Journal Editor’s Perspective

All are welcome to this open presentation in the Faculty Publication Support Workshop Series. Presentation by Prof. Richard Hanley – The journal editor’s perspective. Focus on the peer review process

Accessible and Engaging Class Meetings on Zoom

n this interactive workshop led by Matthew Lewis, Multimedia Manager, and Antonia Levy, Associate Director, both from the Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology at CUNY's School of Professional

WAC: Minimal Marking and Effective Grading

This workshop offers strategies for minimizing time spent on grading while maximizing the effectiveness of written comments. These strategies not only ease an instructor’s workload but also lead to more

Call for Fellows: What do you need to thrive?

As Fellows, 10 assistant or associate professors will receive a range of support from Mentors throughout the 2022-2023 academic year.  Activities may include workshops as well as one-on-one meetings on topics such