Racial Health Inequity and Health Outcomes. Advance registration is required

It will be an introduction to key concepts in community and public health, and add more context to the health inequities the Black community faces. This seminar series aims to bring more visibility to racial health inequity through a project funded by CUNY’s BRESI Council Presented by Julian L. Watkins, MD (pronouns: he/ him), Health

Transformative Learning in the Humanities: Respect the Process with Dr. Bettina Love

Join us for the first event of the year in our Transformative Speaker Series with Dr. Bettina Love, author of We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom, who will engage us in a pedagogy workshop to transform our classrooms. Through interactive activities, this workshop will help participants examine

CUNY-wide conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

Please share widely in your networks so we can support and learn from our CUNY colleagues! We warmly invite you to join us for the first CUNY-wide conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), where faculty across disciplines will be sharing their studies and investigations-in-progress focused on student learning and innovative teaching approaches.

Call for Submissions: 2022 Rigofredo Granados Literary Award

We are welcoming submissions from City Tech students by October 18th in both English and Spanish. Two prizes of $150 will be awarded to the winners in each category. Fictional and biographical short stories, or essays on themes about freedom and human rights will be accepted. The 2022 Rigofredo Granados Literary Awards Ceremony will take place

RF CUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: Pivot-RP Training for CUNY Grants Officers and Other Designated Administrators

Overview of Session: Pivot-RP is an online tool that helps users connect with global and local research opportunities. As Administrators on your campus, not only do you have access to basic features, but also to specific administrative functions and privileges as well. Learn how to utilize these additional features to leverage the funding opportunities on

Physics Department presents Resonant time-symmetry breaking in classical and quantum oscillators

Presented by: Professor Mark Dykman, Michigan State University A periodically driven system has discrete time-translation symmetry with the period of the driving. A nonlinear oscillator allows one to see peculiar features of quantum and classical fluctuations as well as tunneling and dissipation in resonantly driven systems. Generally, if a quantum system is in a Floquet

2022 Rigofredo Granados Literary Awards Ceremony

The 2022 Rigofredo Granados Literary Awards Ceremony will take place on Friday, October 21st, from 12:00PM-1:30PM in the Academic Complex, Room 209. Join us! Please view the attached poster for more information. Guidelines of the contest can be found here https://2022rigofredogranadosliteraryaward.blogspot.com/

RF CUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: Russell Sage Foundation and William T. Grant Foundation

Overview of Webinar: This webinar will provide researchers with information on funding opportunities in two philanthropic nonprofit organizations. The Russell Sage Foundation was established for the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States. It dedicates itself to strengthening the methods, data, and theoretical core of the social sciences to better understand societal

Physics Department presents Fermi Pasta Ulam Tsingou chain: Thermalization and anomalous conduction

Presented by Yuri Lvov, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Where: Room 801N, NAMM Building Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) chain is a simplified model of a one dimensional crystal, consisting of atoms linked by anharmonic chains. This model was introduced in the fifties of the previous century in Los Alamos to study heat conduction in solids. Despite the fact that

RF CUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars: Seminar for CUNY Graduate Students Seeking Grants

Overview of Webinar: This webinar will provide CUNY graduate students with information on funding opportunities that are available for them from Federal agencies and philanthropic nonprofit organizations. Students will be exposed to databases with information on funding opportunities where they can search for announcements in their specific area of research. The webinar will also address