Tech You Can Borrow from the Library Workshop


Did you know you can borrow iPads and laptops from the library? How about document scanners, headphones, and phone chargers? This 60-minute workshop will highlight the different technologies we have

The City Tech Health Communication Symposium

Academic Complex, Room A-105 285 Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Join us for a day of talks from experts in nursing, dental hygiene, health sciences, art history, communication studies, and other fields. Topics include: current research in health communication; health

Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP)

Click on banner for more info The Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP) advances CUNY’s institutional commitment to diversity. Sponsored by the Office of Recruitment and Diversity, this University-wide initiative assists

OpenLab: Open Pedagogy: Access Pedagogy


How do we make ourselves accessible as teachers? What does an accessible syllabus look like? To what extent are our classrooms accessible? Join colleagues to consider how we can increase